“The need for more experience in the water  sector will be the force that will propel the consolidation” (1)

(1) Global Water Intelligence 2008


PW & Capital:
Management of investments, companies and capital funds.

  PW & Management:
Project management and management of infrastructures, grants, assets and industry services.

PW & Advisory Services:
Consulting, technical assistance, corporate finance and advisory in assessment processes  for projects, companies and institutions.


Fragmentation characterizes the world market of water. The majority of its performers are small-size service providers, much like their suppliers. This situation has been able to meet the daily need, but it appears inadequate to raise the funding and technical knowledge required by the new infrastructure projects and management capabilities demanded by the challenges of population growth and regulatory frameworks.

In this settings, it is necessary the presence of new performers, that must unite and consolidate their experiences, technical capacity and investment for this process of change to be successful. PW&P (Professional Water & Partners) was born in 2008, to take active part in the world market of water. PW&P will find the best opportunities for the investors who will entrust to them the management of their funds. PW&P will also effectively improve the management of the companies, institutions, projects and services where PW&P will be asked to participate.